Delivering 2025 initiatives to the entire team
Here at Ivor King, we’ve started the year with a Return to Work Welcome Briefing for all staff. This session is designed to refocus us for the challenges of the season, as the early months of the year often sees an increase in workplace accidents due to poor weather, reduced daylight, and time away from our routines.
The interactive sessions highlighted:
✅ Ivor King’s Behavioural Safety Approach
✅ Our newly launched ‘Stop Think Act’ initiative
✅ Mental health awareness – looking after ourselves and each other
✅ Training on the latest legislation on sexual harassment in the workplace
We also hosted drop-in sessions with an external Occupational Health technician to support a proactive approach to health and wellbeing.
People are at the heart of everything we do, and we’re committed to doing all we can to make sure everyone goes home safe, healthy, and happy.