Top marks for 4th year running to round off 2023
Ivor King has once again excelled in a rigorous independent audit, achieving a perfect score in all evaluated areas following a comprehensive UVDB Verify assessment by Achilles. This outstanding performance spans the Health & Safety, Environmental, Quality, and Corporate & Social Responsibility domains.
Achilles UVDB is the go-to community hub for the UK utility industry, using a proven supplier pre-qualification system. This allows the sector to effectively manage supply chain risk and comply with EU regulations. Further to this, the Silver Plus accreditation maintained by Ivor King positions us as an approved supplier, helping to streamline the pre-qualification process.
This validation from Achilles follows a meticulous audit of Ivor King’s Health & Safety, Quality, and Environment management systems, including a site visit to one of our ‘live’ jobs. David Stevens, QMS Manager, expressed, “Very satisfying to once again pass the independent Achilles audit with zero non-compliances. This underscores the strength of our management systems which clearly stand-up to scrutiny, but there’s no room for complacency either. To uphold our record means a commitment to elevated standards from across the business. This is a great result for our final audit of 2023, so thanks to everyone concerned in making not only this, but all the other audits we’ve been involved in this year, a complete success.”